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Online One-Year Beauty Course

As part of our 12-month online academy, you also have the option to take advantage of the following:

OptionPrice (with VAT)
Generation of a Certificate upon Completion of Lessons19 $
First and second attempts at the final exam0 $
Additional attempts at the makeup exam120 $

Access to Lessons Beyond 12 Months

Educational materials are regularly updated to include new developments and changes in the industry. If you wish to have continuous access to our accumulated knowledge even after completing the 12-month course, we offer the following plans:

Get certificates and a diploma!

After each lesson, you can test your acquired knowledge with a quiz and immediately generate a certificate. During your studies, you can use the practice exam without any restrictions. After completing all the lessons, you take the final exam, after which you receive a diploma and a certificate.

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Who are the ONLINE beauty courses for?

Discover the perfect online beauty courses for everyone! Whether you're a beginner eager to master the basics for a career in the beauty industry, a seasoned professional looking to enhance your skills and broaden your services, or someone interested in learning how to perform treatments at home to save both time and money, our courses offer a flexible and convenient solution tailored to fit your busy schedule.

Who are the ONLINE beauty courses for?
Who are the ONLINE beauty courses for?

Training Program

Our one-year program is based on the latest trends and is continuously updated. Over the course of 1 year, you will go through 44 lessons, which cover the cosmetic industry and some related fields. You will start by learning the principles of salon operations, hygiene, basic anatomy, the use and construction of equipment, as well as the composition and effects of professional products. Next, within individual lessons, we will present specific treatments in an engaging and easy-to-learn manner. If you have a question about a particular lesson, use the form available below it to write to us.

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